High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy (HSAFM) for imaging DNA from 100 bp – 200 kb+ with single molecule sensitivity. Short read and long read sequencing applications for NGS sample input and library construction QC
Precyse for Next Generation Sequencing Quality Control
Evizia introduces PRECYSE, a DNA imaging, mapping and analysis instrument, and its application for short and long read NGS sample and library QC. Current market leading instruments are based on electrophoresis, a well-established technology with significant sensitivity, precision and sizing limitations. PRECYSE invokes high speed atomic force microscopy (HSAFM) for direct imaging of DNA from 100 bp to 200+ kb with single molecule resolution. A user replaceable probe on the end of an AFM cantilever mechanically scans a consumable surface containing biomolecules such as DNA measuring forces between the probe and sample to generate a 2D topographical image down to nanometer resolution.
Andrey Mikheikin[1] and Jason Reed [1,2,3]
[1] Evizia, Inc., Richmond VA, [2] Physics Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, and [3] Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, Richmond, VA